

Dear Tania,

I'd be very interested in reading your findings.  Regards,

> From: IN%"[log in to unmask]"  "CASLL/Inkshed" 29-MAR-1999 21:32:52.86
> Subj: My essay on Issues in Cdn Composition

> If anyone is interested in skimming and giving me feedback on the 24 page
> draft I wrote based partly on Inkshed discussion, "Recent Trends in the
> Teaching of Writing in Canadian Universities," please simply request it and
> I'd be happy to send it to you as an email attachment.
> Tania.
> Reply to [log in to unmask]

                       < < W.F. Garrett-Petts > >

 English & Modern Languages  ._______
  UCC, 900 McGill Rd         | \   / |    Voice: (250) 828-5248
   Box 3010, Kamloops B.C. --|.O.|.O.|______. FAX: (250) 371-5697
    B.C. V2C 5N3 Canada.__).-| = | = |/   \ |  E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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                   < < Writing is a Performance Art > >