

-----Original Message-----
From: Heather F Blurton [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 1999 9:04 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Call for papers (X-Post)


Gardens of Delight:
The Pleasures of the Middle Ages

Saturday, October 23, 1999
Philosophy Hall, Columbia University

Keynote Address: Professor Louise Fradenburg, UC Santa Barbara

This conference will examine the topic of pleasure from a variety of
angles.  How did medieval people represent pleasure and theorize its
uses and abuses?  How do modern critical discourses of pleasure
condition our responses to medieval texts and images?  We will
scrutinize the categories, terms, and purposes of pleasure in the Middle
Ages, and we invite papers on material pleasures of all kinds and on
vocabularies of secular love, mystical rapture, and other forms of
enjoyment.  We are equally interested in  papers on how modern paradigms
of pleasure inform our views of the period.

We welcome papers from all disciplines.  Suggested topics include:

Gaming and Hunting
Friendship and love
Class, gender, and pleasure
Forbidden pleasures
May revels and popular pastimes
Meadhalls, inns, gardens, and places of pleasure
Mumming, music, Dance, and drama
Virtues and vices
Pleasure and mysticism
Utopian and Edenic fantasies
Eloquence and Decorum
Jokes, Riddles, and word games
Beauty: art, architecture, and literature
Modern theories , medieval texts

Graduate students and recent recipients of the Ph.D. in Art History and
Architecture, Archaeology, History, Music, Philosophy, Religion, and all
literature departments are invited to submit a 250-word abstract and
cover letter indicating any audio-visual requirements by June 30, 1999:

Medieval Guild
Dept. of English and Comparative Literature
602 Philosophy Hall-MC 4927
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027-4927
For further information, please contact :

Mary Agnes Edsall
[log in to unmask]
(212) 666-5394

Lisa H. Cooper
[log in to unmask]
(212) 280-6451

Heather Blurton
[log in to unmask]
(212) 316-6507