

Dear John and other Parkinsawnians (Parkinsawyers? Parkinsans? )

It was with great interest that I read of your porcine passion for porkers
---Porkies and Parkies are a natural combination.....however, I must add a
word of caution..... in the event that the porkers decided that the
Palmetto bugs were tastier than truffles (the latter not abundant in
Michigan, after all) you must be prepared to sequester the bugs for their
own safety.  Otherwise, this valuable tool for funding research into PD
might  become simply more "hog fat" !  And that would also mean the Zebra
Mussel scourge  would increase, without the natural control by the Palmetto
This leads to the realization of how complicated it can be to interfere in
the ecosystem--in the words of a famous commercial of days gone by, "It
isn't nice to fool Mother Nature" !

Forewarmed is forearmed---and you might NEED four arms if the Palmetto bugs
got loose from the Bates RoachHotel!

        ---just for fun!........ Camilla        <[log in to unmask]>

                          Laughter--    :-)   :-)
                             the best medecine !