

Art, et al.....

I caught the segment of "48 Hours" you're referring to and found it
was well done and factual (as far as I could tell).  However, it
referred to the patient as someone who was actually seeking relief
from terrible 24-hour-a-day PAIN, and it seemed as tho the tremor was
a secondary problem.

It was stated that the DBS was performed at one of the many Kaiser
Los Angeles facilities tho no specific L.A. area Kaiser was named,
(there's several full-service Kaiser facilities in the Greater Los
Angeles Metropolitan Area).  None the less, it should be pretty easy
for a Kaiser member to pinpoint which Kaiser facility the surgery was
performed at.

I found it interesting that the Kaiser formulary apparently covers
their insured for DBS if a patient suffers from TREMOR, but *NOT* if
a patient suffers _ONLY_ FROM PAIN.   So someone might have the most
awful, all encompassing pain in the world (and it sounds like that's
exactly what this patient lived with!), but unless there was an
accompanying TREMOR such a surgery would NOT be available for the
chronic pain victim.

At no time during the broadcast was a CAUSE, i.e., such as
Parkinson's or one of the other diseases, syndromes, conditions,
etc., known to cause tremor ever mentioned.

As a Medicare subscriber who's assigned my monthly Medicare payments
to Kaiser, I  wonder if my $3 per visit/procedure, I'd be curious to
know if I'd only pay $3 to have a DBS....  Now THAT would be a real

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 3:23 PM
Subject: 48 Hours, Tonight: Pain Killers

>I have been advised that there will be Parkinson's content on the
CBS show
>"48 Hours" tonight, 4 March, which airs 10:00 PM Eastern and
Pacific, 9:00
>PM Central.
>Jacob Chokiewitz, M.D., stereotactic neurosurgeon, will be featured
in a
>segment on some of the newest treatments and latest surgical
techniques he
>uses to treat chronic pain and tremor, including Parkinson's tremor.
>Some of those people on the list who can pick up CBS may want to
watch this