

Hi Nina,
you wrote..........
> Mary Ann,
> Thank you for your good advice.  I did decide to have the MRI today
> but because I had so much dyskensia they don't think the film will
> show anything, so I'll probably have to do it over.
> There wasn't much response from the list, so apparently numbness
> or tingling must not be that much of a problem with PD.
> ------
I assumed lotsa people replied off the List.............. I think
numbness and tingling is part and parcel to varying degrees in almost
everyones PD.  It's just one of the symptoms tho.... not the biggest
or the worst........but it is there.  A Problem?  Nah, not like
freezing, falling, hallucinating, tremor, dyskinesia, dystonia, and
on and on................

All the best ................. Murray
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