

Hi Linda and Betty,
The Search Engine is Google (two O's).
> Betty - The only reference I found was from Walter on Feb. 2. He alluded
> On Tue, to a search engine called Goggle .  The web address is
>                  Hope this is what you're looking
> for.       Linda 2 Mar 1999 00:40:20 -0700 Betty Davis

Walter wrote.........
> I have been using three great search engines.  They launch up to
> twenty five individual engines each, presenting ranked finds in
> logical formats.  Number one is InferenceFind at
> Second on my list is Goggle at
> and third is DogPile at
>  I have given these three
> obscure items to search for and they all pass with flying colors. I
> keep these in my search folder along with a half dozen more.
> Thought you would like to try them out. Search for parkinsn and see
> if you don't agree. Any additional suggestions?

my reply (in part) to Walter..........

Thanks Walter!  I use Dogpile all the time and I love Google.  Now
I'll have to try out Infind.   For a good medical dictionary online,
go to these sites............. best first!

and my reply (in part) to Bob........

If you have access to the Internet you can search for information on
any drug......... John Cottingham provides a database for PWP's.

The Parkinsons List Drug Database is found at:

You can also easily search for any product on the Internet
by using a search engine such as Google.

Go to and type the phrase Ropinirole HCL
into the search box.  You will get 49 hits with drug package insert
info as an example.

You can also search the archives of every post from this list by going

Scroll down to How to use the Search Engine and click on the phrase
search screen.  Type ropinirole into the search box.  You will get 169
responses to browse.

Simon Coles provides the archives and we're all deeply indebted.
Janet Paterson taught me how to search the archives and I thank her
for that.  I don't recall who introduced me to GOOGLE but it may very
well have been Janet as well.  It's one of my favorite sites.

I am not connected to any product, I'm neither endorsing or selling
anything here.  I like to search for information and I enjoy showing
others how easy it is as well.

Linda and Betty, I hope you find something you can use here.

Best regards....................Murray

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