

>The Q&A column in the current issue of the APDA newsletter talks
>about Robinul as a (prescription) medication to decrease excessive
>saliva production.  Does anyone have experience with this med?
>Ann Gibbons  cg/Joe/65/2

Sure do.  I used to take Robinul for pylorospasms - which were so severe
that I prefer any pain in comparison.  The Robinul relieved the symptoms
effectively and I was grateful for the medication.

Robinul is given pre-operatively on a routine basis to decrease respiratory
secretions.  Side effects include the usual for anti-cholinergics (Artane
and  Atropine fall into this class)  - nausea, dizziness, confusion,
nervousness, urinary retention, blurred vision, tachycardia, etc. etc.  Most
importantly, folks with Glaucoma should avoid this drug because it increases
intraocular pressure.
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 59/19)