

> Dear Archbishop Tutu,
> It is with a sense of awe mixed with gratitude that I thank you for showing an
> interest in Parkinson's disease and those of us who have it.
> As a South African, I am aware of the tremendous contribution you have made to
> ensure the peaceful change of political ideology in that country. As an
> American citzen now, I have seen the example you have set to all human beings to be
> compassionate and caring towards all mankind.  And as a person with
> Parkinson's (PWP) I thank you for extending that concern to those of us who
> suffer from  this debilitating disease.
> How wonderful it would be if you would lead a prayer for us on World
> Parkinson's Day, April 11th. Right there at Emory, already internationally
> known as  a leader in Parkinson's research. With your lead, the prayer could
> be taken up in churches and mosques and synagogues, all manner of houses of worship,
> throughout the world, all united to call for a way to end this horrible disease.
> Yours respectfully,
> Hilary Blue (50,33,24)
(present age, age at diagnosis, age at onset)