

one    of my favorite prayers is the serenity.
God Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
the coverage to change the things they can
and the wisdom to know the difference.

this Prayer has been part of my life for over 30.
It is the AA prayer,
I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 93, you only six years Aug.
If we can live 1 day at a time, I know it is hard.  IT when the easier us.
if I live one day light is a bit easier.  I do not like this is disease
Parkinson's we have.
I cannot I cannot work. I find it had to do anything, that it took granted
before.  getting out of bed in the morning. a lot of good things have
happened I have met many beautiful Parkinson's people.  The Parkinson's
group of the long to Boston.  My friend Sandy.  And now one of my best
friends M   .I do not wright to the list because I have a hard time spelling
.  I am on Parkinson's chat, have made with any beautiful people near will
help me a great deal.some of the people are John, Nancy, Barbara Gand so on.
I know I was a basket came.I thank all those people that help me.
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From: serenityplus <[log in to unmask]>
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