

I am new to this mailing list.

Perhaps somebody can give me any information about treatment with
apomorphine, (not related to morphine).

My consultant has asked me to consider using this drug as I have
recently been going off at odd times, and this can be somewhat of a
problem.  I take  Madopar dispersible as my main levadopa provider, just
at the moment,and I have been given two different stories about the side
effects, one person says that it is brilliant, and another says that the
sickness is inevitable for about six months, and one needs to take
domperidone tablets for that period of time,  And also they mention
hallucinations and confusion as common side effects.  This could lead to
great problems, as I live alone.

There are two ways to use it , the first one is to carry  around with
you an injection, just in case you go off, as it brings most people back
to normal, within five to ten minutes. What worries me about this way
is  can I find the right place to inject safely as my dyskinesia, can be
quite violent.   With my arms flailing about I doubt that  I would be
able to  cope with that .

The second way is to stop the use of Leva -dopa, completely, and go on
to using a slow infuser pump, which gives a set amount all day long, and
which you can give yourself an extra boost, if you feel that you are
going off.  This means carrying around with you an instrument about the
size of  mobile phone in your pocket all day, and you have to set it up
every day afresh by injecting a needle, with a tube attached to a
syringe full of your apomorphine so that the rate of drip can be set
accordng to your requirements.

I look forward to your comments.
