

Barb:   Never have seen the Golden Girls sitcom, except for some brief
glances; and
know not a clue about St Olaf.  However, seeing as though St Olaf, MN
and Parkinsaw, MI are both in the north country, we share the same
Scandavian heritage, deep blue
lakes, love of nature and the outdoors, brats and cold beer.  We've been

looking for a sister city to get together with, so maybe we'll check
this out.  Of course, Parkinsaw is about 80% PWP, so I don't know how
that would work out. We take a little getting used to if you know what I
mean.   I bet they'd love our "promote the pig" program, our Palmetto
Bug research (they have similar problems with Zebra Mussels), and our
emerging nightlife with the Dopaminos and Carl and Porcine, though, so
stay tuned sports fans, we may just have a joint venture celebration.
In the final analysis, however, any resemblance bewteen Parkinsaw, MI
and  St Olaf is, as they say, purely coincidental.

John Bjork