

The Parkinson Alliance, an affiliate of NPF, presents:



"Pennies for Parkinson's" is the first national fundraising campaign
held by the Parkinson Alliance. The initial launch of this exciting
new campaign will coincide with Parkinson's Awareness Month, April
1-30, 1999.


To raise money to find a cure for Parkinson's Disease!
All money raised from "Pennies for Parkinson's" will go to Parkinson's
research, specifically the new Parkinson's Research Opportunity Seed
Grant Program, titled PRO-Seed Grants. This program was designed to
help support promising researchers in the field of Parkinson's disease
who will eventually submit new projects to the National Institutes of
Health for funding. This will help ensure that the funding promised by
the government in the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research Bill really
happens and specifically supports Parkinson's research.


People with Parkinson's disease, Caregivers, Friends, Family members.
Support Groups, Chapters, Schools, Churches, Libraries, and civic
organizations, Clubs, the general public!


Simple. Collect your spare change!
Get a "Pennies for Parkinson's" label, stick it on a can or jar and
place it somewhere you will see it daily - in the kitchen, on your
dresser. Each day during the month of April drop you spare change
(pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) into the container. At the end
of the month take everything to the bank and turn it into a check*.

Through Team Work
o       Support Group and Chapter leaders can announce this initiative at
meetings, pass out labels and ask members to turn in all the money
they've saved at the end of the month.
*       Hosts bake sales, bingo games and other fundraising events
o       Clubs, Civic Organizations, youth groups can get members involved
o       Students at local schools can get involved as a community service
o       Libraries can set up a Parkinson's Disease Awareness display
including educational materials and a "Pennies for Parkinson's" jar
during the month of April (NPF will provide all the necessary
educational literature).

As an Individual
o       Go door to door
o       Send out information and labels to all your friends
o       Get permission to set up a table for contributions at your local
mall, supermarket
o       Put a "Pennies for Parkinson's" Jar on your desk or by the water
cooler at work
o       Ask local merchants if they will display cans at the check-out

REMEMBER.... Coins are great but paper money is better!!!!

Please note: Though we specifically mention April for this campaign,
any month will do! The fight against Parkinson's is battled year

Along with your contributions, please send a brief description of how
you raised your money and if you hosted an event, a photo would be
nice. The National Parkinson Foundation would like to include a
summary detailing the success of this campaign and the research it
will fund in their quarterly newsletter, the Parkinson Report.

"Pennies for Parkinson's labels are available from the Parkinson
Alliance Headquarters at NPF's DC office. Call Bill Turenne toll free
at (888)331-4673.

· Personal Checks should be made payable to the "Parkinson Alliance"
and sent to Parkinson Alliance Headquarters,
  1250 24th Street, Suite 300
  Washington,   DC 20037

The Parkinson Alliance under the National Parkinson Foundation, Inc is
a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible
to the extent provided by law.

The "Pennies for Parkinson's" concept was "coined" by two creative
minds, in very different parts of the country. Terrie Whitling of
Georgia (and now, NJ) and Tom
Brown of California raised lots of money using this idea. Thanks to

AND, NOW IT IS OUR TURN -- time is the enemy, is let's use it well!

Margaret Tuchman
Princeton, NJ
H (609) 921-1696
Fx(609) 921-1613
The Parkinson Alliance
        We take responsibility for OUR future!