Slipping Away!

I opened my eyes and what I saw filled me with dismay. My world which was so full and deep is slowly slipping away.

I used to go out every where in fair weather or foul.

Now if I ask to come along I see excuse or scowl.

I once did not concern myself if a place I could not go,

I’d go to see if it could be done then ask why all said no. Now its too much work, too hard to plan, too easy give in to no.

I’ve begun to ask myself what happened to make me so.

It may just be a lazy spot that inside us all resides.

And if that spot is allowed to grow, the person will dwindle in size. With a well intended nudge from there and unknowing help from here my world has shrunk down to the size of where I live I fear. Is it to late, has it grown to small, is my error beyond repair. From deep inside a small voice cries, "How can I breach this wall!"

Marvin Giles