

At one of our support group meetings, a urologist suggested one
of the best things to do is to train yourself  to go to the
bathroom every few hours and not allow so much time to pass
that it becomes a problem.  This also occurs more when you're

Marty Polonsky wrote:

> Hi again, Jennifer,
> Many of us PWP's have had the problem with urinary urgency, etc. and I''ve
> had exactly the same situation you described happen to me--at work!!
> (fortunately, I lived close to work and I was the boss so I didn't  have to
> explain my absence to anybody).  I don't know  of any good solutions--contrary
> to your earlier respondent, I've had some success with giving the urge to go a
> lot of respect and not letting it build up, if I could help it.  The other
> thing that may be some comfort or may be just peculiar to me is that for me,
> the    problem has not been continuous--ie, it comes and goes.