

O, wonderful people of the list,

Do you remember a couple of months back when Ivan Suzman made plea on my
behalf, asking list members to call Tom Davis, Member of Congress from my home
district, bringing to his attention my plight and asking for his assistance?

  Well, it worked!

   I don't knoww who said what to whom, but yesterday, for the first of what I
hope will be many times. a wonderfu woman called Caroline came to help me in
my home. She is to come 12 hours a week, and is to help me to do all those
chores that have begun to be so tiring and so time consuming for me. We spent
a couple of hours just getting to know one anopther - she (hardly
unexpectedly) had absolutely no concept of Parkinson's and how it affects one
-= . Like many poeople I have been meeting lately, she thought that dementia
was the main feature and was surprised that I wasnt "coocoo' (to use her

 She is from Nigeria, and when she heard I am also from Africa, she jumped up
and threw her arms around me in a big hug! Her husband is in computeers - so
was mine,. She has two kids, the younger is the same age as my youngest, and
is also in a GT program - and they may end up in the same high school next
year. So there os a lot to build on.  And best of all, she washed all the
dishes in a flash, and cut up a whole big pot full of vegetables so that I was
able to make my kids their favourite stew for the first time in ages - and
last night was a special one for it is the first time in I cant remember how
many months that we all slept under the same roof.

So to all of those who made those phone calls -  and especially to Ivan
Suzman, who initiated the whole thing   -   you see, those calls did make a difference!

THANK YOU..... THANK YOU...... THANK YOU......... THANK YOU........ THANK YOU....

Hilary Blue

Hilary Blue