

Has anyone else heard references on the radio to Brain Awareness Week? I
called the
the 800 number , and just got a call back from some PBS station somewhere in
the middle of the country - unfortunately I was surrounded by a lot of noise
and couldnt  hear very well. BUt I did establish that it was associated with a
program called "Gray Matter"s, that it dealt with, i.a. alzheimers, and m,s,
but said nothing about parkinson's. When I asked the fellow on the phone, he
didnt seem to understand my reference to Parkinson's -= but he is sending me
the available literature - I will inform you all when I get it. unless
somebody else knows more than i do
on the subject, By the way, Brain Awareness Week runs from March 15 - 21
Hilary Blue

at thispoint.  Bytthee way, Brtain Awareness wweek apparently runs from March 15t