

Hello everyone!

My name is Patty and my mother has had Parkinson's for the last two years.  She is 77 years old and is currently in a nursing home here in Illinois.  She takes Tasmar for the disease.    She has choked a few times when she tries to eat. They have begun to grind up her meat at her mealtimes.Nursing staff stated this is usually done with Parkinson patients...something about the tongue muscles not working when she needs to swallow.  Is this common?  Right now it is just her meat but they said eventually all her foods will be ground up.  She seems to shake alot more than in the past. Especially if something is upsetting her, i.e., being put in the nursing home.  She explains it to me as if her mind tells her to move but her body does not move.  She is in a wheelchair most of the time, but some days she can walk with her walker.  I wish I could help her more.  Each year is seems to get worse.  I am hoping to learn alot more with this listserv.  Thanks for being there!

What of more value
Than a friend true and loyal?
Be they Spouse, Man, or Beast. 
  ~ Bernie D.

Patty Jeffries
Network Support Specialist
Area 2 Learning Technology Hub
~ (phone) 815.434.0780 ~
~ (fax) 815.434.2453 ~
ICQ 12376091