

Dear Listmembers,

    I am writing to thank many people who have helped to bring forth the
response from Archbishop Tutu.   Perhaps I was the first to ask
Archbishop Tutu for help.  But his decision seems to me to reflect the
courage and the hopes that so many of you showed him with your
correspondence and calls to him.

    My thanks go especially  to Barb Patterson, and those who have helped

    The personal care attendants helping me,  Jonny, Natalie,  Deidre,
Barry, and many friends made it possible for me to have the strength


    Ivan Suzman  49/39/36

    Portland, Maine, USA

On Sun, 21 Mar 1999 15:00:43 -0500 Barbara Patterson
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Below is the text of a message which has been crafted by several
>of the list.  I am asking each list member to forward this message to
>of the media in your area and, if possible, all of the religious
>institutions.  (SNIP)