

Good morning Karen,

And it is a good morning.  In the words of the Mayo Clinic neurologist
who diagnosed me about 16 years ago,  "Of all the neurological diseases,
you have the most treatable."

I am Philip Lammers of Oostburg, Wisconsin (between Milwaukee and Green
Bay).  I, as you was diagnosed at age 42 and had 3 children.  At that
time my teen aged son had a best friend living only two blocks from us
who also had a father living  with PD.   They did some comparing of

I have not lost one day of work because of PD other than visiting my
doctor every six months.  I have been fortunate enough to experience such
enjoyable things as a two week motorcycle to the Smokey Mountains and was
involved on a number of work trips to flood ravaged areas in Illinois
several years ago.

I credit this in part to a more conservative doctor now treating me,  a
desire to keep busy and not let it beat me.  Most of all, however, I give
praise  to God in whom I have learned to put my trust and faith.

Good luck,
