

At 10:40 AM 3/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
> Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       50    deg. F   :-)
> Deara friends,
> The City of Portland has recognized the unusual needs of a young-onset
>Parkinsonian at the beginning of his 14th  year of the"battle of PD."
>Having done so, it has changed a series of responses it provided when
>considering the consequences of being a   PWP.
>  The results are that a SETTLEMENT has been offered, and court can be
>avoided.  The attorney who
>is representing me is the civil rights director of the federally-funded
>(one in each state, I guess) program for people with disabilities.
>   The main features include my right to share details of the settlement
>with no restrictions on freedom of speech, my right to expend what little
>monies I receive as I see fit, my right to provide a doctor's,
>physician's assistant's or nurse's writing as unchallenegeable proof of
>an expense being a "health" related necessity, and the
>annual,automatically renewed TAX (80%)and SEWER relief(100%)
>that I need.
>  Finally, the City can never acquire  the property if it is liened for
>the 20% ungranted.. Emergency General Assistance funds will pay tthe 20%,
> if that happens.
>Comments are welcome.
>Ivan Suzman 49/39/36
>       Quite an inspiration to us all, Ivan. Also very pleased for you..Gordon
and Thea Seese