

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       50    deg. F   :-)
 Deara friends,

 The City of Portland has recognized the unusual needs of a young-onset
Parkinsonian at the beginning of his 14th  year of the"battle of PD."
Having done so, it has changed a series of responses it provided when
considering the consequences of being a   PWP.

  The results are that a SETTLEMENT has been offered, and court can be
avoided.  The attorney who
is representing me is the civil rights director of the federally-funded
(one in each state, I guess) program for people with disabilities.

   The main features include my right to share details of the settlement
with no restrictions on freedom of speech, my right to expend what little
monies I receive as I see fit, my right to provide a doctor's,
physician's assistant's or nurse's writing as unchallenegeable proof of
an expense being a "health" related necessity, and the
annual,automatically renewed TAX (80%)and SEWER relief(100%)
that I need.
  Finally, the City can never acquire  the property if it is liened for
the 20% ungranted.. Emergency General Assistance funds will pay tthe 20%,
 if that happens.

Comments are welcome.

Ivan Suzman 49/39/36