

    I was wondering if anybody from the list
would be able to help this person.  We
have been e-mailing each other recently
and she could use some help.  She hasn't
subscribed to the PD list yet but would
appreciate any helpful information that you
could give her.  She can be reached at:
[log in to unmask]
I'm a 37-year-old woman with mild PD who was diagnosed last November.  I
on Mirapex which controlled my symptoms well, but in January, I developed
urinary  urge incontinence.  I have occasional bouts of urgency & frequency
during which I feel like I have to go all the time, but only a little comes
out, and I drip constantly, even after I try to relieve myself.  In between
bouts, I have a constant drip.  I DON'T LOSE THE TOTAL CONTENTS OF MY
My parkinsonologist said that my PD is too mild to cause urge incontinence.
My pharmacist said that it is a side effect of Mirapex, so I switched to
Permax for 3 weeks.  Things were slightly better after my urologist dilated
the urethral opening; he said that I wasn't emptying my bladder fully, and
that the "dribbling" was from overflow.  However, the bouts of urge
incontinence continued, and Permax did not control my symptoms.  I couldn't
write, which I need to do for my job.
The urologist referred me to a neuro-urologist who did lots of tests that
came out normal.  He said that my urge incontinence is from PD and not
Mirapex.  Since the problem hadn't gone away and I attributed the
to the dilation, I went back on Mirapex.  The neuro-urologist doesn't
in dilation, and prescribed Detrol and estrogen in the form of Estrace
I've been on them 4 weeks, and my problem is worse!  Now,  I leak all the
time, and the drip has increased to a trickle.  My neuro-urologist doesn't
know what to do with me because most people with urge incontinence have
occasional leakage which stops after they relieve themselves.  Also, I've
found that these bouts of  urgency & frequency are sometimes triggered by
eating spicy foods or having a drink that contains caffeine, and by anxiety
such as you would experience before surgery.
Does anyone else out there have a CONSTANT drip or trickle, EVEN AFTER THEY
RELIEVE THEMSELVES?  If so, what medications were you on when it started,
did you treat it, and were any of the treatments/medications successful?
I'd appreciate any help that any of you can give me.  Three doctors haven't
been able to help, so I need the advice of someone that has experienced