

Silvana -

My reply may be rather late - I have been away from the list for a couple of

 Welcome to the list.  Your English is good.  I wish I could speak German or
Portuguese as well as you write in English!

This list is a good place to ask the questions you've asked.  I don't know
whether anyone else has answered them, so I'll try.  Forgive me if you've
already heard all of this before.

In the US, most people with Parkinson's consult a Movement Disorder Specialist
or a Parkinson's Specialist.  I don't know whether these specialists would be
available for your friend, or what they would be called there.  The best I can
suggest is for your friend to see a neurologist, which I'm guessing is
"neurologista" or something similar in Portuguese.

My husband's doctor sees his Parkinson's patients every six months, spending
only about ten minutes or fifteen minutes with them.  Many times there is no
change in his medications, but occasionally the doctor will add a new
medication or change the dosage.

 There are no actual measurements such as blood tests for Parkinsons.  The
tests the doctors use are tests of function.  That's the best way I can think
of to describe them.

I hope someone can help you find a Parkinson's organization in Portugal.  If
your friend can find a neurologist who knows something about Parkinson's
disease, the doctor might know of an organization.  However, I think the best
place to look is on the internet and right here on this list.

I think it's wonderful that you want to help your friend.  You sound like a
very kind and caring person.

I hope this list will be helpful to you.

Warm regards,

Margie Swindler