

Dear Listserv Members,

Just wanted to share what is happening in around and about
the Houston Area.

First, two bicyclists Donna Kos, from Akron Ohio, and
Wallace Teal, from Kerrville Texas, have reached Texas on
their west to east cross country treck across the southerrn
tier of the US. Donna lost her dad to PD in 1996 and Wallace
lost his wife to PD in 1997. They are committed to raising
the nation's awareness of PD. When they arrive in Houston on
April 10th they will be honored at the Houston Area
Parkinson's Society Symposium. The symposium will be held at
the HAPS offices at 1475 West Gray St. on the grounds of the
Metropolitan Multi-Service Center. Registration begins at
8:30AM. Efforts to get local cycle clubs to join them that
morning as they peddle into town are underway.

The Symposium (which is free) has adopted the Parkinson
Power Across America - Over Coming the Obstacles theme. Dr.
Abe Lieberman and Dr. Joseph Jankovic will be featured
speakers. Classroom sessions and many exhibits will also be
features of the symposium.

Govenor George Bush has signed a proclamation declaring
April 10, a PD awareness day for all Texans. The
proclamation will be on display.

This week the Baylor college of medicine is sponsoring "A
Cure for Parkinson's Dinner"  and fund raiser honoring
President and Mrs. George Bush will be held Thursday evening
March 25th. As of last Friday more than $550,000 had been
pledged. Proceeds will go to the Baylor College of Medicine
Parinson's Disease and Movements Disorder clinic headed by
Dr. Jankovic.

HAPS Golf Director John Leonard tells me he is planning the
HAPS Parkinson's Home Course World Golf Tournament agaian
this year. More to follow on this.

For more information on Parkinson's happenings visit the
Martones' new web site at

or call The HAPS office at 713-626-7114.

Be Aware,
Bob Martone