

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        68   deg. F   :-)
                                                  Wednesday 31 March 1999
    Dear Parkinson's Listmembers,

    (Would Barbara Patterson please arrange to forward the following
    Resolution to the Office of Archbishop Tutu, at Emory University?)

    The Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Maine are
to vote to adopt the following  draft of the "Joint Resolution
Recognizing Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month", beginning  with the
Senate, on Monday morning, April 5, 1999, at 10:00 AM., in the Capitol,
in Augusta, Maine..

     I have just an hour ago received permission from the Office of the
Secretary of the Senate, Joy J. O'Brien, through  the  Senate Calendar
Clerk, Joan Atwood,
 to post the following  proposed  wording of the Joint Resolution on our
Parkinson's International Exchange Network (PIEN) , for list members to
use as needed including
distribution to media and to individuals.  Please note that this DRAFT is
not final until
concurrence by the House of Representatives, also scheduled for Monday,
April 5, 1999.

  It may be provided to other local, muncipal, state, provincial,
and international legislative bodies as needed.

    Maine's legislature consists of 151 Representatives and 35 Senators.

     I am particularly grateful to the author of paragraph 9, on the
Rights of
Persons with Parkinson's Disease, Representative William Norbert of

     No one individual can be thanked for this Resolution.  It is  truly
the product
of the community of many Maine PWP's and their caregivers and friends.
Maine Parkinson's Society  and the Maine Chapter, APDA, have collaborated
in producing most of this 1999 document.

     Sincerely yours,

     Ivan Suzman, Portland
     PIEN member, 49 yrs./39 at diagnosis/36 at appearance of visible
     APDA Maine Chapter, Legislative Liaison


from: "Atwood, Joan" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 31 Mar 1999 14:45:07 -0500
                            DRAFT PROPOSED FOR ADOPTION

State of Maine

In the Year of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Nine


 WHEREAS,  Parkinson's disease, or paralysis agitans, is a brain disorder

that usually affects adults over 40 years of age, although it can occur

in any of 3 forms:  late life Parkinson's disease, young onset
Parkinson's disease, which affects adults under 40 years of age, and
juvenile Parkinson's disease; and

 WHEREAS, Parkinson's disease is a devastating, painful and incurable
brain disorder of unknown origin that disrupts and may end the lives of

those who suffer from the disease, as well as overwhelming the lives of

their families and friends; and

 WHEREAS, more individuals suffer from Parkinson's disease than multiple

sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and Lou Gehrig's disease combined; and

 WHEREAS, Parkinson's disease often takes an enormous emotional,
psychological and physical toll on the families and friends surrounding

their suffering loved ones; and

 WHEREAS, Parkinson's disease appears eventually in approximately one of

4 persons older than 80 years of age and in one of 10 persons older than

60 years of age, touching the lives of at least one of every 10 families

in the State; and

 WHEREAS, according to the American Parkinson Disease Association there

are approximately 1,500,000 people in the United States diagnosed with
Parkinson's disease, of which an estimated 7,000 or more are in the State

of Maine; and

 WHEREAS, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, which are tremors,
slowness of movement, shuffling gait, difficulty with balance,
malfunction of vocal cords, intestinal difficulties and emotional
changes, are often mistaken as a normal part of the aging process; and

 WHEREAS, the cause of Parkinson's disease is due to a loss of cell
function deep within the brain, and the reasons for this loss are
unknown.  Medications can only control some of the symptoms of
Parkinson's disease for uncertain periods of time; and

 WHEREAS, there is a great need for further training and education in the

health care and legal professions to protect the rights of persons with

Parkinson's disease; and

 WHEREAS, full implementation of federal law, the Morris K. Udall
Parkinson's Disease Research Act of 1997, which, starting with the
current fiscal year, directs the National Institutes of Health to spend

up to $100,000,000 annually on Parkinson's disease research, is critical;


 WHEREAS, April 11th has been proclaimed to be World Parkinson's Day, a

day for all to recognize the need for more research and help in dealing

with the devastating effects of Parkinson's disease; and

 WHEREAS, increased education and research are needed to help find more

effective treatments and ultimately to find a cure for Parkinson's
disease and to provide more effective support programs and services to
Parkinson's disease patients and their caregivers and families; and

 WHEREAS, the leading public officials of the State and leading officials

in the State's medical community are now called upon to aid in reversing

the invisibility and voicelessness of its citizens suffering from
Parkinson's disease; now, therefore, be it

 RESOLVED:  That We, the Members of the One Hundred and Nineteenth
Legislature, now assembled in the First Regular Session, recognize the
month of April as Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month throughout the
State; and be it further

 RESOLVED:  That suitable copies of this resolution, duly authenticated

by the Secretary of State, be transmitted to the Maine Parkinson Society

and the American Parkinson Disease Association, Maine  State Chapter.

House of Representatives
Under Suspension of the Rules
Read and Adopted
April 5, 1999
In Concurrence


In Senate Chamber
Read and Adopted
April 5, 1999
Sent Down for Concurrence
Ordered Sent Down Forthwith


Sponsored By:
President Lawrence of York County
Cosponsored By:
Representative Norbert of Portland
Senator Rand of Cumberland County
Senator Kilkelly of Lincoln County
In Testimony Whereof, I have caused the seal of the State to be hereunto

affixed, GIVEN under my hand at Augusta, this fifth day of  April, in the

year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety -nine.

Dan A. Gwadosky
Secretary of State
S.P. 753