

I wish I knew what motivated people.  This prayer by Tutu is great. There
seems to be a couple postings on the list every day.  It has involved people
who do not regularily post.  I'm thrilled to see the positive response of
people all over one by one contacting their local media.  I hope to learn
from this burst of excitement on the list.  To learn what turns PWP on
(besides Sinemet).   I had sensed, apparently correctly from the response to
"spread the word", that there was a pent-up frustration among PWP.  Tapping
into that energy source with a constructive nationwide campaign is the goal
of Pennies for Parkinson's program recently announced by the Parkinson's

Pennies for Parkinson's has gotten off to a good start. I had been hoping,
and still do hope, that we will pick up the momentum that this "spread the
word" campaign has.  My fantasy vision of this grassroots fund-raising
campaign is like the old March of Dimes when I was a kid. Where every school
kid would be saving Pennies for Parkinson's to help grandma or grandpop.
If we could do that, do you know what that would mean?  Quite simply we
would cure Parkinson's and probably do it in the next five years they.

I want to cure Parkinson's and soon.  I want that with such intensity that
words can  not adequately discribe.  Furthermore, I know how to do it -
money.  Finding the cure for Parkinson's is not a bottomless pit into which
we pour money.  Its tantalizing the close.

So my fellow list members, my brothers and sisters with Parkinson's, share
with me your thoughts.   Give me some feedback.  Tell me what needs to be
done in order to tap into that reservoir of energy that exists in shaking or
immobile bodies throughout this country and world. What can we learn from
this wonderful spiritual iniative that we can apply to motivate us in a more
pragmatic venue.  I want to hear from all of you, regular posters and
lurkers who have never posted, anyone who has an idea as to how we light the
fuse to this time bomb of energy so that we can blow Parkinson's disease out
of our lives.  That's the word I would like spread - that Parkinson's is