

Thanks so much, m'dear.   It REALLY feels good to be back online -
not because I missed the typing, or the 'puter, but because I
missed my List-family!


Barb M.
-----Original Message-----
From: Janice Morgan <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, April 03, 1999 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Back Online & Plowing thru Email

>Miss Barb,
>     It is so good to have you back. Janice
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Barb_MSN <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Saturday, April 03, 1999 1:35 PM
>Subject: Back Online & Plowing thru Email
>>Dear List-family...
>>Just a quick note to let them what's interested know
>> that I'm back online after a 10 day hiatus caused
>>by my mom's passing away late last month.
>>I spent the last few hours plowing thru a HUGE mound
>>of unread email that awaited me this morning.  (GAWD!
>>There were several hundred messages!).
>>I want to thank those of you who sent me personal
>>messages of comfort and condolence - I cannot tell
>>you how much each and every one of those messages
>>meant to me.  Ya REALLY touched my heart....
>>I started off intending to reply to each and every
>>personal message but soon realized I'd have to
>>chain myself to the 'puter and spend the next coupla
>>weeks typing atcha!
>>Sooooo... I hope those of you who DID take the time
>>and make the effort to email me will accept this
>>message with my heart-felt thanks and that you'll
>>understand why I haven't sent a personal reply to each
>>individual who sent me a message.
>>It's sure good to be back here on the List amongst
>>dear and valued friends.  You were definitely MISSED...
>>Barb M's "officially" back in Cyberspace now, fingers
>>poised above the keyboard and ready to type atcha....
>>Barb Mallut
>>[log in to unmask]