

Hello List,

I am hoping to get to the family practice physician at 10:45 AM
tomorrow. He called at
8:12  PM  I had been trying to get hold of him for a week. He'll be
looking at why I am so worn
out the past three weeks.

Hilary THANK YOU for posting about me. End of the winter exhaustion,
with unknown things, are making my system shut down with a CRASH! that is
scary.Family doctor will try to look for signs of non-PD things going on
in me.

The biggest problem is a complete and sudden loss of body heat in the
hands, and in the legs
from the knee down.  Does anyone else on the list have this??

  The Maine rate of pay is slightly different from what Hilary typed. My
voice has been
weaker on the phone-so my voice could have EASILY been too soft for her
to hear earlier.

 It is $6.25/hour from 4:00 PM to midnight ($50.00), and the totally
INSANE rate of  $9.00  per  overnight (NOT per hour) from midnight -
06:45 AM.

Total pay is $59.00 per  night ($50.00 + $9.00). I am on Soc. Security
and do not
have access to supplemental funds for the care providers.

 About 30 of us who are disabled , with our care providers, testified at
the state Capitol on
Monday afternoon, and asked for $9.00 per hour and $20 per night .
This rate would be $92.00 instead of $59.  Most of us were in wheelchairs
and none of us
could stand up unassisted.

Ivan :-)