

Hi all, this is Terry of the irregular heartbeat, PD and 1 faint (syncope).

I had an appointment with my neurologist today.  Nothing new - I still
look pretty much the same to her.  She said if I want to experiment
on myself I can.  So I will probably slowly cut down on Sinemet (from
2 to 0 per day) to see what happens.  If I stay the same I will stay off
Next appointment in 4 months.  I'm not bad enough to warrant other new
strange drugs or surgery.  She said some of the new drugs get FDA
approval and then they notice side effects, and have to rethink the
approval.  So she doesn't want to try anything like that.  My symptoms
are pretty much still just rigidity left arm and leg, cog wheel affect,
tremor that gets worse when nervous or shivering from the cold.  I got
somewhat better when I quit my stressful job.

Happy Easter,

Terry Kempf   55/53/52