

To Mr Jim Cordy: Call it kismet, call it Divine Intervention (which I
prefer), or call it dumb luck: the fact that we were at a Chinese
Restaurant one day having lunch when our PD conversation was  overheard
by a woman who understood & came over to introduce herself as an artist
whose show on PD had so affected me 4 yrs ago. Call it what you will
but, things took off from that point until we have come to a point where
our PD Awareness Day is becoming a huge event! But, to tell you the
truth, Jim, what has motivated me recently is disbelief & yes, anger.
Last week in a large box of literature that was sent to me by the
American Parkinson Disease Association, (and for which I am very
grateful to have to use as handouts at our event-lots of great info in
there); i found a Parkinson Alert ID card put out by the Chicago Area
Chapter of APDA.
Thinking, Wow-great idea!-I started to read the card. It says and i
quote: "Parkinson's is a neurological disease which is neither fatal,
painful not contagious. Its symptoms are tremor (shaking), rigidity,
slow gait & a low, slurred speaking voice. It can cause a gait & balance
impairment which may resemble intoxication, but is not. Judgment &
vision remain unimpaired. These symptoms worsen several times a day in
an "on-off" cycle. I usually do not need any special help , except with
tasks requiring physical coordination or strength. Thank you in advance
for you help, understanding and patience." While this seems to be &
probably is ok by some people-I find it to be demeaning & downright
false. I'd  like to know if all of this pain I deal w/ each day-both
physical & mental-is all a figment of my imagination!!! Sure, everybody
knows that PD doesn't kill you...HA! Try telling Judith that or anyone
else on this list who knows what this disease is capable of. And while
I'm at it-I'm tired of my symptoms being made light of: I need help
everytime that i get into & out of a car, writing checks, standing when
there are no seats around; and I'm sick of apologizing for not being
drunk!!! I find it demeaning to have to apologize every time i make a
phone call & must first apologize for my voice!!! Maybe I just woke up
on the wrong side of the bed this night...but this really rattles my

Joan E. Snyder (47-8-10) <[log in to unmask]>
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there
was in me an invincible summer" Albert Camus