

Date:    Wed, 7 Apr 1999 12:43:03 +0100  Simon Coles wrote:

If anyone does want to setup a list for Kids & Parkinsons, please get in
contact. Normally I look for someone to own the list completely, but in
this case as long as there are a enough interested people to get the list
going, I don't mind owning it.    <<<

Hi Simon,

Thanks for your reply.
I forwarded it to her (the still anonymous Miss X).
And for the offer of setting up a kids-list.
I also volunteer for owning the kids-list., if necessary.

I now volunteer for setting things up......
.......get things organised I mean..........
......I hear no objections??........OK......
here we go......................................

Who do we have so far??:

1 Miss X (a 19 yr old dutch young lady)
2 Miss Y (a 23 yr old dutch young lady)
3 Gagan (a 25 yr old USA fellow)
4 Jane Amy (16 yr, USA) [Hilary Blue's daughter nr1]
5 Jessica (13 yr, USA) [Hilary Blue's daughter nr2]
6 Meredith (?? yr, USA) [Jackie G's daughter]
7 Other kids on Meredith's club. (How much are there?)
8 Others kids in the archives (I will search next week)
9 I thought there was a kids program with one of
   the PD-organisations. Who has info about that??
10 Kids from parents on the French, German, Belgian,
      Spanish and english lists?? We can send out a
      request to make an inventory to the list-owners??

This is more than I got when I started the dutch list,
so kiddies, kids, Kids and KIDS out there.............
Sign up for the kids-list to be!!
(I am sure you will come up with a better name!!!)

When you are interested there are two ways to sign up:
1) send a posting to PIEN, with in the subjectline:
     "Join kids list" and in the textpart your name and
     emailaddress, age, and anything else you want to
2) send an email to me at <[log in to unmask]>
     and further do the same as under 1).
     If you want to remain anonymous, please put that
     CLEARLY in your email. (I won't tell anyone........)

I hope to hear soon from all of you!!!!

Any other helpfull suggestions or comments are welcome!!

Spread the word.........also for the kids!!!!!!
