

Janet Paterson wrote:
>i have written to the parkinson foundation of canada
in re membership and in re the stagnant condition of their website
and have had no reply

        I don't know what's going on with the PFC. I wrote to the person named
on the PFC website months ago re the 'dead' site and received no reply.
I have since heard from another source that the website is not going to
be maintained.
        I sent two emails to Blair McRobie re a concern about fresh tulip sales
and received no reply.
        I recently had a request from the U.S. for tulip pins, and phoned the
national office and learned that the enamelled pins (red tulip with
green leaves) were no longer available. They are still available through
our local office.
        It is rumoured that the tulip mugs are no longer available.
        I sent Joe's story to the editor of the new magazine the Parkinson
Post, but some of the board members vetoed it because they thought it
would frighten people. It had already been published in our local paper,
and I know it is being sent around the world because list members have
asked permission to use it. It is also being picked up by some of the
smaller papers around London.
        A new member from a regional support group wrote or called the PFC and
only received a request for donation, but no Parkinson literature.
        We used to get the national publication as part of our membership, now
we have to subcribe to the Parkinson Post at extra cost.
        We don't seem to get any info about what's going on in the national
office. All I have received in the last year is requests for donations.
        I haven't heard about anything planned for April Awareness. We used to
have a Lieutenant Governor's reception at Queen's Park that got media
coverage at which time the Lieutenant Governor proclaimed April
Awareness Month. But that hasn't happened for two years.

>am i missing something?

I think we who come under the PFC umbrella are all missing something.
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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