

hi all

At 15:42 1999/04/11 EDT, ken wrote:
>Anyone have info on sleep disturbance associated
>with PD ?  Sleep problems such as early awakening,
>sleep deficit, daytime sleepiness etc. are commonly
>associated with depression but is there info out there
>about a direct link between sleep problems and PD in
>patients who are either being treated for depression or
>who never had depression related to the PD?
>Ken Janis, MD
>[log in to unmask]

i did a search at the PubMed site
using "Parkinson AND sleep" as the search criteria
and came up with several 'hits'
the most recent of which i will send in to the list separately
in order to add them to our list archives

if you were to search in the list archives
using "PMID AND sleep" as the search criteria,
you would probably find more, but older,
abstracts of published studies on the same subject

every message that has ever been sent in to this list
since its inception in november 1993
is in the pd list archive
it is a goldmine


janet paterson - 52 now /41 dx /37 onset - [log in to unmask]
613/256/8340 - po box 171/almonte/ontario/k0a 1a0/canada

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