

hi all

At 23:23 1999/04/12 -0500, joan wrote, in part:
>...I'm happy to report that here in central Illinois, we are getting
>almost more news coverage than I can handle!! For my event for PD
>Awareness Day, we received excellent local coverage. To refresh your
>memory, we planned & pulled off beautifully (praise the Lord!) an Art
>Exhibit by local artist Jane Scott & Marc Esser entitled: "The Letting
>Go: A Parkinson's Story."...

way to go, joan!
i only wish we all could see it

>The same station is also working on a news series covering my
>upcoming collagen injections which will be this week.

holey moley, joan!
i only wish you the best
i'd never drum up the nerve!
[medical-procedure-chicken - that's me!]

>... she was especially focused on the internet connection
>whereby 3 friends from the newcountry chatroom drove & flew
>from quite some distances to be there for me! ...

the cyber-family strikes again!

>I really never intended to become a media persona especially
>now when I can't bear to look at what pd has done to me...

from where i am standing
whatever pd has 'done' to you
it is beautiful


janet paterson - 52 now /41 dx /37 onset - [log in to unmask]
613/256/8340 - po box 171/almonte/ontario/k0a 1a0/canada

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