

I doubt that anybody missed me, but after about 6 weeks, I am back on
list. While I was gone my sister on a visit to Knoxville  saw a
newspaper article that she brought to me, about DBS. It is  full page
article about a Knoxville man with severe tremor not helped by
The paitent was the first to receive the surgery at Fort Sanders
Regional Medical Center. It was also the first done by the Doctor. Wow,
I guess somebody has to be the first one. According to the news article
the paitent is doing extremely well.
So I think it is good news that  DBS is being done at more locations,
hopelfully that will make it possible for PWP's to get the surgery if
they are in need of it.
As I said, it was a full page article and an example of some good news
coverage, unlike the usual news that I talked about in my TOP TEN list
of why I like to watch the evening local TV news. If you did not see
that post, look it up, and see if you agree.

Lanier Maddux    63/2   Chattanooga Tn.
a.k.a.  N4AG