

Dear Carol-

Navane is in a class of drugs called antipsychotics.  It is a high potency
dopamine antigonist.  As a pharmacist for Athena Rx Home Pharmacy, we tend
not to see Navane prescribed for Parkinsonian patients because Navane tends
to block the dopaminergic receptor; therefore, increasing Parkinsonian
symptoms by decreasing the effects of dopamine.

There is a newer class of drugs called "Atypical Serotonin-Dopamine Receptor
Antagonists".  This class of drugs includes Clozaril, Zyprexa, Seroquel and
Risperdal.  At Athena we see a these agents used to help treat hallucinations
caused by Parkinsonian medications.  However, when prescribed they are dosed
much lower than the dose used to treat psychosis.  I would recommend that you
talk with her neurologist regarding Navane.  If your mother is having trouble
sleeping there are a lot of other medications that may be used as first-line
for sedation.

I welcome the opportunity to answer additional questions for you.  If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 1-800-537-8899 ext.


Dominic Marchese, RPh.
Athena Rx Home Pharmacy
Pharmacy Service Specialist