

Yes!  My mother had back surgery 3 or 4 years ago.  A neurosurgeon did the
surgery.  After surgery  she was given reglan.  When she was up and walking
with her walker (within a day or two) she would walk a couple of steps and
holler for me to catch her because she kept falling backwards when trying to
go forward.  The neuro said it was her PD worsening and started to rearrange
all her meds.  Then a wonderful night nurse said to me - she can't be on
reglan it will make her PD worse.  The Doc said no, but I convinced him to
read the PDR, which he did and immediately D/C'd the reglan.  The next day
she was walking fine (w/ her walker) and has never had that problem again.
I continue to be amazed at the necessity of a patient or family member to be
proactively involved in care!  Good luck.  Kathy