


Just read your thoughts on stress to Brian. I have watched these posts for
the last several days. Mother also has a very difficult time when stressed or
worried. But what I find interesting is that Jeannette is taking so much
Sinemet. Has she never tried the Sinemet CR? Mother would never be able to
handle as much as Jeannette takes, even after 25 years. When she is stressed,
however, taking a 1/4 to a 1/2 of the same Sinemet Jeannette takes seems to
help her. Naturally the Sinemet CR is working on a timed release.

If you have already addressed this, please forgive, as I have only been
on-line with the group about two weeks. Good to see you so active with all
types of help and queries. Also, tell me a little about Requip. The doctors
have never even talked with Mom about it. Is it similar to Mirapex?
