

We talk about being TV ready, but are we TV savvy?
Has ANYONE seen or heard ony media coverage of this weekend's events?
Here I am, in Portland Maine, where our friend Ivan Suzman has been
 in four separate newsworthy events for Parkinson's Awareness Month, and
 Are we naive, or what.  I think what we are doing is great.
Here in Maine, a joint House-Senate Resolution was passed on Monday,
April the, proclaiming April to be Parkinson's Awareness Month and
 April 11th, to be World Parkinson's Day.  On Saturday, April 10th,
 at the Maine Medical Center, in  Portland, the Maine  Parkinson Society
ran a very successful program of speakers, on topics ranging from what
at the future holds for  PD in surgery and medicine, to humor, to massage

therapy as treatments for PD.

Today, Ivan Suzman was the guest speaker at  the meeting of the
 Augusta, Maine Support Group. And fourth,there was that truly blessed
the Prayer  for Parkinson's,  by Archbishop Tutu. This has been sent to
of worship all over the world. But has it been READ during services at
 places of worship??

And yet there has been no report of any of it here in Maine - and none
that I've heard of anywhere else.  I hope somebody can prove me wrong!!
Yet  we notified the media - newspapers and TV.  Why is the story (or
not getting picked up?
Among all of us 1800 people on the list, aren't there any newspaper men,.
maybe a television news anchor or two, or somebody who KNOWS  how it is

  Is there something we are doing wrong? Or something we are not doing
 Because something has to be done. Our voices must be heard..

 SIncerely yours,

Hilary Blue