

Hi Nancy:  it's good to see you on again; you were one of the first respondents
to the Parkinsaw stories, way back there in February.

I was very interested in your success with 'Spreading the Word'  at the
personal level in your Church services.  I had sent the package to every
newspaper, radio and TV station in the U.P. and only got two responses:  A
radio station at the Soo, and  WLUCTV.  WLUC informed me yesterday that based
on the bulletin/Prayer package received, they were planning a special on
Parkinson's in about 2 weeks.  They promised to let me know when, and I'll
email you when I learn the time/date. Maybe you'll see something in the Gazette
yet; I followed-up over the past two days with all U.P. organizations I
initially contacted, so you never know.  Interestingly, I never heard a word
from my hometown area paper, The Escanaba Daily Press.

Well, back to the grind.  I was  good to see a fellow Yooper on the List again.


John Bjork
A View from the Lighter Side

Nancy Sparks wrote:

> Greetings,
> I believe our local newspaper , the Daily Mining Gazette, received the news
> of the World Parkinson Day but it wasn't published.  However your effort
> reached out to many people in the far northern Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
> I shared the information about Bishop TuTu and read his beautiful prayer in
> both of the churches I serve.  One of the services was broadcast on the
> radio.  So the message was shared in my little corner of the world!
> Ivan - I think you are a "real neat guy" --- truly a blessing!
> Nancy Sparks