

It is now 24 hours since I posted my intention to carry out this survey
and I have so far received 44 entries.  That is a very good first response,
and we seem to have recruited most of the regular contributors.  But what
about you lurkers out there? There are around 1800 people on our list aren't
there?  Bearing in mind that maybe only 60% of you may be using Dopamine
Agonists, that means there are 1080 potential contributors to this survey.
Now,  I don't want to seem pushy, so I'll settle for just 1000 replies. Come
on folks, this is your chance to participate in a very interesting study
( I don't know at this point just what I am going to do but whatever it is,
a load of data is going to help.)  Some of you have offered to get some more
entries from their local self-help groups; that would be excellent. I will
hold the files open for more entries, and issue a few reminders until you
weaken and send in your entry. The questions are listed below to remind you.
If you prefer, e-mail them directly to me - we don't want to flood the list
with too much volume

By the way, in respose to question 8, 'Yes' is not the answer that I am
looking for - A number of milligrams would be helpful!

1/ Which Dopamine Agonist are you taking?

2/ When did you start taking it?

3/ When were you diagnosed as having PD?

4/ What was your age when diagnosed?

5/ When do you believe (with hindsight) that you experienced first symptoms?

6/ What is your present daily intake of levodopa? (Sinemet, Madopar)

7/ What is your present daily intake of Dopamine Agonist?

8/ Has your neurologist advised you of the max. safe dose for your agonist?

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>