

hi all

At 11:33 1999/04/19 -0500, billie wrote:
>Janet Paterson
>just read your recent post on this subject and you attached one of your
>earlier posts about your appetite being messed up for several months
>where you'd take a couple of bites and lose interest in food. I'm there
>now and am losing weight too fast per dr (have lost about 35 lbs in last
>5 weeks).
>What did you do? How did you deal with it? etc.
>Also is there some method(s) to mining the archives?  I want to but
>haven't been able to find anything.  Bottom line, don't know how and
>need help.
>Billie Cook

re nausea
don't forget that i had been taking an antiinfllammatory
which was infamous for causing gastric problems

that said,
the ratio of carbidopa to levodopa is critical in avoiding nausea

i'll go digging and keep track of how i do it
and get back to you with both the results and the method
i hope


in the meantime
have two chocolate milkshakes on me!

janet paterson - 52 now /41 dx /37 onset - [log in to unmask]
613/256/8340 - po box 171/almonte/ontario/k0a 1a0/canada

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