

Sooooo, Ivan, does this mean ya LIKE the idea? <grin> (Just a wild
guess on my part... )

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: The Tutu-PD story: Are the MAJOR MEDIA indifferent?

>Lemme favorite flavor is COCONUT.
>Darn, I'll ask BEN or JERRY to fly me to the Islands,
>so that Lisa Crumrine and I can PIG out together
>on ice cream--and it will be too WARM for me to
>Then again, if I eat too much ice cream, I
>might get an attack of hyper-glaceeamia.
>Or is it hypo-glaceemia-that sugar craving-
>satisfied only by un coup de glace on the
>occipital bone.
>Is it COOL to wear gloves while eating
>COCONUT ice cream, to protect me from
>hypoglaceeamia in ze tropics?
>Which color, excuse me, couleur of
>bathing suit do I wear?  Pink with white
>edges-a la James Parkinson tulip?
>Can we have HOURGLASS competition
>to see who can stuff the most ice cream
>in?  Or would a flamer like me need a
>flaming torch?
>Flambeau anybody?  Hey WAIT A MINIM.
>how about BAKED Alaska-eating orgies?
>The flames might get rid of my hypothermia!
>But I am still perplexed--will Cher Bono be
>thre. or do I get to make the fashion statement??
>Ivan gone stark raving drooling mad at the
>thought of an ICE-CREAM MARATHON
>for MAJOR MEDIA ACTION. I.M.M.M.A. for short.
>Buttons with slogans that say Eat Ice
>Cream and Cure PD; banners in parades;
>SUGAR cones with every 6 refills of
>Sinemet  Ice Cream PIES made of lemon
>sherbet - or sorbait - for Sinemet; Coconut
>Ice for Eldepryl; and the SLOGAN of a
>Ivan the mad Maniac
>On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:57:30 -0700 Barb_MSN
<[log in to unmask]>
>>Dear Hilary 'n Ivan....
>>I've got THEE perfect world-wide-attention-grabber
>>that'll make all of us sweet-treat and ice-cream guzzling
>>Parkies make it to the front page of all the major
>>newspapers and also will tickle the fancy of all the
>>big-name TV anchors.  Parkinson's will become a
>>household word if we do THIS!!   Ready?  Here's
>>what we gotta do:
>>To make Parkinson's and those of us who live
>>with this %#@^& disease VISIBLE and FAMOUS
>>(which theoretically would also bring in the much
>>needed research bucks so a cure and/or treatment
>>may be found) , errrrrr.... I digress... is to hold a
>> world-wide ICE CREAM EAT-A-THON!
>>I can see the headlines now:  "Millions of Parkinson's
>>sufferers and their families and friends vow to
>>non-stop eat ice cream till a CURE to the disease
>>is found." (Choice of flavors left up to the eater) <smile>
>>Heck.... we can get Ben and Jerry to be our spokespersons!
>>Barb Mallut (who absolutely LOVES ice cream!)
>>[log in to unmask]
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>
>>Date: Monday, April 19, 1999 1:07 AM
>>Subject: Re: The Tutu-PD story: Are the MAJOR MEDIA indifferent?
>>>I recently met somebody who works for one of the advocacy
>>in Washington
>>>DC, where her job is (believe it or not_) to keep things OUT OF
>>the news
>>>media.  Well, as publicity is her field, I asked her what we
>>doing wrong.
>>>First of all, she confessed she had never heard of Archbishop
>>Tutu and had no
>>>idea of who he was or what he was famous for - which may be
>>indicative of why
>>>we elicited no response (!) but more importantly, she said we
>>were not doing
>>>anything wrong , we were on the right track, we just HADNT DONE
>>ENOUGH!  That
>>>we should have frequent press releases., for every little event
>>and occurrence
>>>relating to PD, so that it is constantly in the eye of the news
>>media, And
>>>that we should get some celebrity - she mentioned Michael J
>>( him she had
>>>heard of) to speak out on our behalf. And she assumed we had a
>>full time press
>>>officer - does any of the PD organisations have a press officer
>>on its exec?
>>>Hilary Blue
>>>Ivan M Suzman wrote:
>>>> ^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
>>>>  Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
>>>>  Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses         39  deg. F
>>>>   I am DISGUSTED that the Tutu-PD story has been ignored
>>>> by the major media!  But I am NOT surprised.
>>>>   As an anthropologist, I wish to record the observation here
>>>> that, as far as I am aware, we listmembers contacted more
>>>> media worldwide.  Killings in Yugoslavia get banner
>>>> but as far as I am aware, NO phone calls, ZERO, have come to
>>>> either Archbishop Tutu's offices, or to my house, to cover
>>>> the story of his powerful and wonderful response to our
>>>> pleas for his support. I believe Barb Patterson had the
>>>> only radio interview, but it brushed aside the Tutu story.
>>>>   We simply are NOT on the agenda of the media,
>>>> unless we are convenient "filler" material.  I wonder
>>>> if we could change that with a press conference,
>>>>  BLASTING the major media. Or we send a delegation
>>>> in wheelchairs to block the doors of the NIH Director.
>>>> It was actions like this that made AIDS an "agenda
>>>> item."  Is PROTEST, rather than persuasiveness, the
>>>> only way to get the attention we deserve?
>>>> I personally believe that we can, and we
>>>> should, add the element of a protest, an outcry,
>>>> at this time.
>>>>      Locally, in Maine, a tiny black-owned and edited
>>>> bimonthly, The Bridge, right here in Portland, IS about
>>>> to print the Tutu-PD story.  But ALL of the TV and
>>>> radio and newspapers have ignored it.
>>>>       The African-American editor of the Bridge hopes to
>>>>  by the end of this month. We served as two of Portland's
>>>> three co-chairpersons on the Martin Luther King
>>>> Holiday Committee in 1986.
>>>>       There are  so many obstacles for PWP's to gain
>>>> access to the media.  I would have thought a Nobel
>>>> Laureate and WORLD figure like Archbishop Tutu
>>>> would be interviewed, even if little Ivan doesn't seem
>>>> to matter to them.
>>>>       And where have Mr. Fox and his publicity gotten
>>>> us?  When Robin Elliot relays that NOBODY from
>>>> our community is on the NIH council, what IS the
>>>> message we should derive?
>>>>      For me, now starting to deteriorate, in my 14th
>>>> year of Young Onset PD, or YOPD + something
>>>> unknown, I can only say that it is my near collapse
>>>> last Friday and my continuing vulnerability that push
>>>> me to say that,
>>>>    although we have come a long, long, way,
>>>> there are  still HUGE obstacles in our paths, and
>>>> only the brave and spiritually strong will
>>>> help us along to reach our "mountaintop,"
>>>> that is, the CURE for this wretched disease!
>>>> Ivan Suzman
>>>> Portland, Maine
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
> Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)