

Dear fellow list members and caregivers:
This message has no real value other than I'm in a mellow philosophical
mood today and need to say this.....
You all have been a god-send to me.  I read all your posts and so many
times want to respond but what can I say since have only just begun the
trip with this "monkey on my back".  Your resourcefulness in coping are
nothing short of miraculous and your reaching out to one another with
caring, sharing advice and TLC is absolutely wonderful. The way you
reach out to welcome newcomers is so special.  Altho' I haven't been a
member long and can't contribute much in the way of help and/or advice,
I treasure each of you and don't know what i'd do without this list
There, I've said what I needed to are so special and you're in
my prayers. Thanks for being there.

Billie in TX