

1. Which Dopamine Agonist are you taking? Mirapex
(Took Parlodel for about 11 years: up to SIX [5mg. caps]a day.)

2. When did you start taking it?  March 1998

3. When were you diagnosed as having PD?  1986

4. What was your age when diagnosed?  34

5. When do you believe (with hindsight) that you experienced first
symptoms?  33 (1985)

6. What is your present daily intake of levodopa? Six (25/100); two (50/200)

7. What is your present daily intake of Dopamine Agonist? Three (1mg)

8. Has your neurologist advised you of the maximum safe dose for
your agonist? Not really. I worked up to 6 mg. (per my suggestion because of
dyskenisia) but had extreme low blood pressure as a result. We both feel
comfortable with 3 mg a day.
