

I have been diagnosed with parkinsons for 12 years . the problem then was "
I was too young" .to have it at 48. I know it gradually crept upon me for
atleast 5 years earlier..  Because I have begun to fall so much ".My
parkinsons is on the left side.", I have begun magnetic therapy. I
I have broken my left arm twice in october 98 , my 4-5 or 5-6 ribs a few
months later and falling flat on my back, without warning. This progressed
to my falling so much on my knees that i could not kneel nor turn around in
bed easily. I had to change my way of sleeping too.
 My husband retired now does everything. I know I am a great weight on him.
I am on unchartered waters with the magnetic therapy.
I was originally slated to 150 hours on the bed. After  80+ hours, it was
decided after evaluation that I should reduce my meds and take a 6 week rest
from the therapy.
I wear knee pads that I baught at the sports store. Picture an almost 60
year old woman with black sweat suit white sneakers and white knee pads
shopping. the nice thing about aging is you can get away with being ecentric
I wear the knee pads all day to insure if i fall it will lessen the trama to
my knees and it has. Now I have got to come up with  padding around my
hips........." Now isn't that interesting"....we exercise to keep from
having big hips now I am wanting padded hips.
I go to a therapist once a week , he is stimied because of my strength in
muscle tone. Why am I falling?
What is happening with me since my last treatment on thursday. Nothing ,
except i am tired. i was so tired, yesterday , I just wanted to sleep or lay
on my bed. I have a regualr cane that i use to help support myself. i have
the 4 prong one as well, and don't use because of the way I walk I  entangel
myself in the feet.
Using the walker, I promply fell back and I think you can picture my delima.
The walker is on top of me.Finally, the therapist doesnot want me to go into
a wheel chair and to be truthful i do not want to either.
At this time my caretakers suggest my slowing down, because the majority of
the falls occurr when I forget and am resuming my busy way of doing things.
"I think it is funny that after 12 years of taking pills. that  when i am
feeling good! I still forget to take  then on time.
Ivan,  I will take part in what you are planning to do,    just tell me.
 L&K S

-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 2:17 AM
Subject: visible symptoms of Young Onset for 8 years or more

>Dear friends,
> I am interested in compiling a list of Young Onset PWP's(defined only
>for the purposes of this project as having visible  PD symptoms before
>age 40) who have been enduring visible symptoms for 8 years or more, and
>who would like to form a vocal and visible "Parkinson's Liberation"
>group. The primary focus would be MAJOR MEDIA COVERAGE.
> I hope this group does not exclude anyone unfairly.  I am simply of the
>opinion that younger people have many years of tragedy to endure, greater
>energies,  and that 8 or more years of enduring  PD-related hardships  at
>an early age gives us very special clout.
> I do not mean to include or exclude any particular PWP's,. and hope
>noone is upset by this somewhat arbitrarily-limited group.  I am hoping
>to be present at the Massachusetts area YOPD meeting this Saturday, at
>Newton-Wellesley Hospital at 1 PM, and would be glad to talk to anyone
>during  or after the coffee hour, after Sonia Neilsen's program has
>Thank you for your understanding,
>Ivan Suzman (49/39/36)