


Thanks for the protest against the disgusting content of TV news.  I
guess it's up to us to find and
spread the GOOD news.  Your list serves as a reminder that we have a lot
of work ahead of us to
break through.

I am saving your post as an example of what we are up against.  Now, how
about if we try to come up with a list of 10 PD=related topics we WANT to
hear and see on TV?

I'll start:

1.  DBS enables Knoxville, Tenn. surgical patients to regain control of
their PD-battered lives.




On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 11:58:14 -0400 Lanier Maddux <[log in to unmask]>
>Attn Jane Koenig, and others commenting on this post,
>The following is a letter that I sent to the local TV news
>Dear Mr. ..............
>I would like to share with you the TOP TEN reasons I watch your local
>news broadast:
>10. I like to see people being led into and out of court in
>9. I like to see buildings which have been ransacked and had their
>or windows smashed by burglars.
>8. I like to see trucks or railroad cars upside down and dumping
>hazardous substances into a creek.
>7. I like to see video of a wooded area where a nude and dismembered
>body or a newborn baby in a plastic bag was abandoned.
>6. I like to see homes that have been burned to the ground and a TV
>reporter is there asking the homeoners "How do you feel?"
>5. I like to see injured people with bloddy bandages being carred on
>strecher with a TV camerman running alongside taking pictures.
>4. I like to see cars that have been in headon collisions, with close
>color pictures of bloodstained upholestry.
>3. I like to hear about children that have been secually abused
>2. I like to see nice full-color closeups of people that have been
>tortured or beaten
>1. And the NUMBER ONE thing I like to see on local news, is body bags
>(with bodies in them) being caarred up from the banks of a river or
>burned down homes!  .
>Sorry I sent the prev mail before I finished it.
>Lanier Maddux      Chattanooga Tn

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)