

Linda J Herman wrote:
>         A Young Onset PD Support Group was recently started in Western New York,
> by a social worker from my neuro's group practice. We'd like to be able
> to reach others in our area who could also benefit from this group.  We
> thought of putting together an informational flyer that could be sent to
> the area's other neurologists,  requesting that they distribute it to
> their young onset patients. This could be especially helpful for newly
> diagnosed PWP.
>         I was wondering if any support groups already have similar literature
> that they would be willing to share with us. I'd appreciate it if you
> could email me the wording of your flyer or if you could tell me what
> type of information was included.
>         Thanks.
> Linda Herman
> [log in to unmask]

I don't for exactly your purposes, but did you know that there is a
"Young Parkinson's Handbook" put out by the APDA (American Park. Dis.
Assoc.)?  Call and ask for a copy, even though the one I got last year
was somewhat out of date, it was still helpful:  1-800-223-2732

Good luck,
