

Dear friends,

 I am interested in compiling a list of Young Onset PWP's(defined only
for the purposes of this project as having visible  PD symptoms before
age 40) who have been enduring visible symptoms for 8 years or more, and
who would like to form a vocal and visible "Parkinson's Liberation"
group. The primary focus would be MAJOR MEDIA COVERAGE.

 I hope this group does not exclude anyone unfairly.  I am simply of the
opinion that younger people have many years of tragedy to endure, greater
energies,  and that 8 or more years of enduring  PD-related hardships  at
an early age gives us very special clout.

 I do not mean to include or exclude any particular PWP's,. and hope
noone is upset by this somewhat arbitrarily-limited group.  I am hoping
to be present at the Massachusetts area YOPD meeting this Saturday, at
Newton-Wellesley Hospital at 1 PM, and would be glad to talk to anyone
during  or after the coffee hour, after Sonia Neilsen's program has

Thank you for your understanding,

Ivan Suzman (49/39/36)