

On Fri 23 Apr, Rick Hermann wrote:
> Hi Linda,
> I'm at about the same stage of life (48) and disease (dx 15 mos) as you,
> and I work in publishing, full-time gig, which may not be physically the
> challenge that nursing is. I started on CR Sinemet 50/200 early on
> following diagnosis cuz I couldn't function at work (hands operating
> computer keyboard). I'm on a small dose, 1 in the a.m. and 1/2 at noon, and
> I with it I take Requip 1 mg. (3Xday), another agonist like Mirapex.

Hello Rick, I could not resist making one observation on your statement
above: You are taking Sinemet 50/200 and you call that a low dose?? That
is a gigantic lump of levodopa at one go! Just think: 2 years ago, your
brain could manage without any extra levodopa, and now you are giving it
200 mg per dose. The reason that you can absorb that excess is that you
still have a lot of functioning dopamine-producing cells. By automatically
shutting down production, they make room for the excess levodopa, and you
feel good, but I have serious doubts about the longevity of the cells
which are having to cycle from max to min output ever time you take a tablet.

If you are still with me, you may like to read my article Living with
Levadopa on the following web site, courtesy of Jerry Finch:

Levadopa is still the most powerful drug we have in our locker, BUT - you
have to treat it with due ewspect: I was diagnosed 20 years ago, and for the
last 19 yrs have taken levadops (and still take it.)
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>